Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muzaini is the founder and head of the Diabetic foot and wound care and vascular diagnostic private clinic. He is also consultant of Non-Invasive vascular laboratory in the Department of surgery at Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital. He is also seconded to both the faculty of medicine at Kuwait University and to the Dasman diabetes institute. He graduated from the faculty of medicine in Kuwait University in 1998 and completed his vascular Ultrasound training from Imperial College London to become the first Kuwaiti consultant at this field. After coming back to Kuwait, he made significant changes and transformed the vascular non-invasive diagnostic service in Kuwait creating an up to date, modern, state of the art non-invasive vascular lab to the highest world standards. His areas of expertise
include non-invasive vascular imaging, Ultrasound-guided vascular procedure, diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency and DVT ’s, aneurysm detection and screening. Furthermore, Specializing in
the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease and diabetic foot screening.

Consultant & Head Vascular Lab & Diabetic Foot Clinic
Brief info
He graduated from the faculty of medicine in Kuwait University in 1998 and completed his vascular diagnostic training from imperial college London to become the first Kuwaiti consultant at this field.